Wednesday= EPI! / by Sarah Rawlins

Yesterday was a bit, shall I say, boring. I went to the antenatal clinic again as I noticed that the clinic doors were hemorrhaging women and babies onto the surrounding grounds. Wednesday is Immunization day and there was no shortage of babies to be immunized! I was tasked with giving Vitamin A and Parasite treatment to every child who was due; not the most exhilarating task. To make matters worse, before coming to me, the kiddos had received their immunizations, thus you can imagine me trying to squeeze Vitamin A into the mouths of 100's of screaming babies and children. Today we also had a visit from a group of UNHCR folk from Geneva. Supposedly they were a group of journalists, videographers and photographers following up on the use of Malaria nets and were eager to learn more about the effectiveness of their bed net campaign. Although I understand the need to capture stories and photos as a means to fundraise, the whole onslaught of Mizungos with huge cameras and filming equipment felt extremely awkward and uncomfortable. Not to mention, I had been extra cautious not to pull out my camera, even though I had really wanted to on numerous occasions. It simply felt wrong. Cameras flashed, videos were taken, Malaria patients were interviewed and then they were gone.

The definite highlight of the day was seeing a kiddo come into the clinic dressed as Santa Claus (his mother completely unaware) and seeing another kiddo named 'Beyonce' (not the typical Congolese-refugee name) ;) 

Here's a few shots from the Immunization clinic: